Family and Inheritance law in the Netherlands

In family and Inheritance, emotion, finances, taxes and civil law are effortlessly interconnected.

The specialists of Olenz understand this and help you to structure your needs and, if necessary, to lay down some things. If you are in need of specialists who speak your language, can help you with your requirements in the area, or if you are in need of a solicitor who dares to take decisions, then you have come to the right place. We have extensive experience and specialist knowledge in various forms of cohabitation, marriage, inheritance, divorce law and all that is associated with it. Both civil, fiscal, emotional and practical aspects are involved in our work.

We also have extensive experience in advising and supporting international aspects of family and inheritance law. Our extensive international network helps us to accomplish this.

Whoever thinks big,
thinks Olenz

You like to get more info about Family and Inheritance law in the Netherlands?

mr. Koen van den Berg

mr. Koen van den Berg olenz-notarissen
Civil law notary

mw. mr. Leonie Stokkel

Assigned notary

Olenz specialist for Family and Inheritance law

Fleur van den Broek

Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Anouk Diepeveen

Anouk Diepeveen Olenz Notarissen
Junior notary

Angela van Geerenstein

Angela van Geerenstein werkzaam bij Olenz Notarissen Veenendaal
Paralegal (HBO)

Nadia Hendriks

Notarial assistant

Anouk Kwakernaak

Notarial assistant

Indy Meijer

Indy Meijer Functie_ Notarieel medewerker Familie- en erfrecht
Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Milou Pluk

Milou Pluk, kandidaat-notaris gespecialiseerd in familie- en erfrecht bij Olenz notarissen in Veenendaal
Junior notary

mw. mr. Dilan Serin

mw. mr. Dilan Serin Olenz notarissen
Junior notary

Hetty van Soest

Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Elien Tuinte

Elien Tuinte Olenz Notarissen
Junior notary

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