mr. Koen van den Berg

mr. Koen van den Berg olenz-notarissen
Civil law notary

mw. mr. Leonie Stokkel

Assigned notary

More information about Estateplanning in the Netherlands


The Tax office charges taxes on assets that are inherited or donated from deceased members.

An estate planner specializes in arranging the fiscal and legal processes involved in the transfer of funds.The inheritance tax charged is always dependent on your personal and financial situation, which can include age, marital status, type of property owned, and family status. Estate planning is of interest to everyone, from individuals seeking some advice to entrepreneurs wanting to plan ahead. With the appropriate planning, the inheritance of your assets and businesses for future generations can be organized to be as financially viable as possible. Examples of how this can be done include, but aren’t limited to donations and successions.

We help you find solutions and to make the decisions to fit your needs.

Think big,
just do it.

Our specialists for Estateplanning in the Netherlands.

Fleur van den Broek

Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Anouk Diepeveen

Anouk Diepeveen Olenz Notarissen
Junior notary

Angela van Geerenstein

Angela van Geerenstein werkzaam bij Olenz Notarissen Veenendaal
Paralegal (HBO)

Nadia Hendriks

Notarial assistant

Anouk Kwakernaak

Notarial assistant

Indy Meijer

Indy Meijer Functie_ Notarieel medewerker Familie- en erfrecht
Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Milou Pluk

Milou Pluk, kandidaat-notaris gespecialiseerd in familie- en erfrecht bij Olenz notarissen in Veenendaal
Junior notary

mw. mr. Dilan Serin

mw. mr. Dilan Serin Olenz notarissen
Junior notary

Hetty van Soest

Notarial assistant

mw. mr. Elien Tuinte

Elien Tuinte Olenz Notarissen
Junior notary

Question about Estateplanning in the Netherlands

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Whoever thinks big,
thinks Olenz

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