olenz 061 (1)

Sun on the roof

Many companies would like to become more sustainable by installing solar panels on the roofs of their buildings.

olenz 061 (2)

Good advice is at least as important as defining the agreements

olenz 061 (3)

Whoever goes his own way cannot be overtaken by anyone

office olenz notarissen netherlands

Sun on the roof

Many companies would like to become more sustainable by installing solar panels on the roofs of their buildings.

Kantoor Olenz Notarissen

Complaints and dispute settlements

The notarial litigation procedure applies to the services of Olenz notaries. For the operation of the regulations of the aforementioned dispute settlement, refer to  www.degeschillencommissie.nl.

In the event of a complaint, Olenz will send a copy of the complaints regulations in force at the client’s first written request to the client. To see the complaints procedure click here.